

Ali disobeyed a direct order from Mohamed (mus2771). Mohamed forgot things (buk6063, buk49), He said that everyone on earth would die after 100 years (buk6511, buk116), he can be convinced by a lie (buk2680) and he can be mistaken about the affairs of the world (mus2363)
Hadith Al Bukhari 49 (en en2) Mohamed's mistakes (23)
Mohamed forgot the exact date of the night of decree, because some quarrelled
Hadith Al Bukhari 3634 (en en2) Mohamed's mistakes (23)
Gabriel came to the Prophet but it was Dihya a handsome person amongst the companions
Hadith Al Bukhari 4980 (en en2) I was informed that Gabriel came to the Prophet but it was in fact Dihya (al-Kalbi)
Hadith Muslim 167 (en en2) Mohamed saw Gabriel and he saw Dihya nearest in resemblance to him
Hadith Muslim 2451 (en en2) Gabriel came to Mohamed, Umm asked who was he? She said, he was Dihya (al-Kalbi)
Hadith Al Bukhari 6511 (en en2) Mohamed's mistakes (23)
If one should live till he is very old, your Hour (death of people) will take place
Hadith Muslim 2953b (en en2) He said a boy in his presence would not grow old till the Last Hour would come
Bible Mark 13:30 (en) Mohamed's mistakes (23)
Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until the Last Hour
Bible Matthew 24:34 (en) Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until the Last Hour
Hadith Al Bukhari 116 (en en2) Mohamed's mistakes (23)
Nobody present on the surface of the earth tonight will be living in 100 years
Hadith Al Bukhari 564 (en en2) Mohamed predicts the end of the world within the next 100 years
Hadith Al Bukhari 601 (en en2) Nobody present on earth tonight would be living in one hundred years
Hadith Muslim 2537a (en en2) None would survive after 100 years, it would be the end of this generation
Hadith Muslim 2538a (en en2) About the Last Hour, none would survive at the end of one hundred years.
Hadith Muslim 2539 (en en2) There would be none amongst the created beings who would survive this century
Hadith Al Bukhari 5763 (en en2) Mohamed's mistakes (23)
A man worked magic and Mohamed started imagining that he had done things that he had not really done
Hadith Al Bukhari 3175 (en en2) Mohamed's mistakes (23)
Once he was bewitched so that he began to imagine things he had not done
Hadith Al Bukhari 6063 (en en2) Mohamed's mistakes (23)
The Prophet imagines for a period that he has slept with his wives but he did not
Hadith Al Bukhari 5765 (en en2) Magic was worked on Mohamed so that he used to think that he had sexual relations with his wives
Hadith Al Bukhari 2680 (en en2) Mohamed's mistakes (23)
You present tricky arguments, so if I'm wrong you should not accept my ruling
Hadith Muslim 2363 (en en2) Mohamed's mistakes (23)
You have better knowledge (of a technical skill) in the affairs of the world
Hadith Muslim 2361 (en en2) Go after my personal opinion but do accept when I say anything on behalf of Allah
Hadith Muslim 2771 (en en2) Mohamed's mistakes (23) Maria the Copt, his favorite sexual slave (5) Who is Maria the Copt ? (5)
Mohamed sent Ali to kill a eunuch for fornication with his sex slave, Maria the Copt